WJHG is following a story that caught the attention of our Panama City premises liability lawyer. 21-year-old Jacob Winkler was enjoying Spring Break after arriving in Panama City Beach from his home in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. The trip took a tragic turn early Saturday morning when Winkler fell from a 7th floor balcony at the …
What Is the Difference Between the Statute of Limitations & the Statute of Repose in Florida?
Statute Of Limitations vs Statute Of Repose Every state has set deadlines for taking legal action in a personal injury claim. A person can only file a lawsuit from the date of an accident or injury until a certain amount of years have passed. This is called a statute of limitations. A statute of repose …
Important Knee Replacement Recalls You Should Know About
There have been a disturbing number of knee replacement recalls since the 2000s. In some cases, systems have been known to rot inside the body, requiring more surgery to have them removed. In other cases, a medical device, although faulty, cannot be removed due to its integration into the body. Knee replacements are important. They …
The Importance of Jurisdiction from Cops to Civil Courts
The world is becoming an ever-smaller place. With the Internet creating a “place” that exists apart from traditional notions of states, countries, or even continents, borders sometimes seem like an old-fashioned concept. Nonetheless, borders do matter when it comes to the law (as anyone who has watched offenders speed across the border in a movie …
Ged Lawyers Acquires The Pittman Firm
Boca Raton, Fla. – August 11, 2021 – Ged Lawyers is pleased to announce they have acquired The Pittman Firm in Panama City, Fla. The Pittman Firm was founded by Wes Pittman who concentrates his practice in the areas of personal injury, wrongful death, product liability and employment discrimination. Ged Lawyers has its headquarters in …
New Law Could Protect Sugar Industry from Sugarcane Burning Lawsuits
A recently enacted FL law could thwart a class action lawsuit by Glades residents whose health and finances have suffered due to widespread burning of sugarcane in western Palm Beach County. The sweetness of sugar is found among the fibers of the inner stalks of the sugarcane plant. Part of the process of harvesting sugarcane …
What Counts as Wrongful Death in FL?
Individuals who have lost a loved one can file a wrongful death claim, but it is important to know what the law says about these claims. No one should have to lose a loved one, especially when it is due to the negligence or carelessness of another person. Under Florida law, those who lose loved …
Business Interruption Claims Enter Class Action Suit
Businesses that purchased business interruption insurance are now shocked to learn that they are not covered during the pandemic. Business owners purchase many different types of insurance to protect their business in a number of situations. Fire insurance protects a business in the event that there is a fire, while liability insurance protects the owner …
Is it Worth Trying to File a Business Interruption Claim?
For business owners, there is nothing worse than being forced to close their doors indefinitely due to something they cannot control. When a natural disaster or a pandemic hits the state, country, or even the entire world, business owners incur a loss of revenue and experience business slowdowns. Luckily, you may qualify for business interruption …
Cast Iron Pipes are Causing Issues for Homeowners in Florida
At one point, cast iron pipes were thought to be durable, but now Florida homeowners are learning they are not. Too many Floridians are just starting to learn that there is a problem under their home that could cost them tens of thousands of dollars. That problem is cast iron pipes, which were used in …